Join Us Now to Protect the Future of Events
All signatories have pledged to:
- Publish their organisation’s pathway to achieve net zero by 2050 at the latest, with an interim target in line with the Paris Agreement’s requirement to reduce global GHG emissions by 50% by 2030
- Identify and prioritise actions to reduce emissions [such as energy management, water conservation, materials management, food and beverage waste reduction, housekeeping initiatives, sustainable procurement, stakeholder management and employee engagement] and set goals accordingly
- Address residual emissions, once they’ve been minimized, through the purchase of credible carbon offsets with efforts to transition to those that represent carbon removal/capture
- Contribute resources, time and/or expertise to develop a collective low carbon roadmap for the events industry
- Collaborate with partners, suppliers and customers to drive change across the value chain
- Publicly announce the signing of this pledge and actively promote and advocate for net zero across the industry
- Advocate for carbon reductions and perform due diligence as part of procurement processes
- Promote and participate in initiatives within and beyond the events industry to raise awareness of synergies, find solutions and design collaborative opportunities for reducing carbon emissions
- Measure and track their Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions according to industry best practice
- Embed carbon measurement systems into operations
- Identify and share appropriate metrics and methodologies for measurement
- Contribute data to industry initiatives to enhance common methodologies and metrics
- Report on their progress at least every two years
- Publish their key metrics and progress
- Share best practices and lessons learned
- Support collective industry-wide reporting and communications
We are happy to now be launching this reporting exercise, which aims to capture the progress of signatories towards meeting their pledge.
Reporting is a critical part of any sustainability effort, including the journey to net zero, because:
- It motivates and orients organisations to develop and advance their sustainability programs
- It provides credibility to sustainability initiatives
- In the context of the NZCE initiative, it helps ensure that signatories are actively pursuing their pledge
- It allows for the collection of data and best practices, which can then be channeled into industry wide aggregation of progress, default data, and coefficients
As this year is the first reporting cycle, the NZCE initiative has decided to keep the reporting results confidential and to not create any aggregate results. This is because:
- It is unlikely that all signatories will be able to provide information on all questions
- We want to encourage organisations (especially those that have not reported before) to familiarise themselves with reporting, assess hurdles to accurate measurement, and find solutions to these hurdles in a supported manner.
This reporting exercise is not a scoring exercise. Please fill in all information to the best of your ability and highlight any questions you may have in the feedback question at the end of the survey. Even though non-signatory supporters did not sign the pledge, we welcome any organisation that wants to participate in this reporting cycle.
Thank you,
the NZCE team