What is the Value of Net Zero to the Events Industry?

Meeting the increasing expectations for action of customers, governments and investors

Creating a platform for collaboration to ensure an efficient and coordinated transition

Helping prepare for and protecting the future of the industry through demonstrated action

Net Zero Carbon Events
Net Zero Carbon Events
Net Zero Carbon Events
Net Zero Carbon Events
Net Zero Carbon Events

Igniting the innovation needed to drive efficiency and keep our industry viable

Ensuring our industry’s continued attractiveness as a “future-ready” area of enterprise

Net Zero Carbon Events

Meeting the increasing expectations for action of customers, governments and investors

Net Zero Carbon Events

Igniting the innovation needed to drive efficiency and keep our industry viable

Net Zero Carbon Events

Creating a platform for collaboration to ensure an efficient and coordinated transition

Net Zero Carbon Events

Ensuring our industry’s continued attractiveness as a “future-ready” area of enterprise

Net Zero Carbon Events

Helping prepare for and protecting the future of the industry through demonstrated action

The value to our industry is clear and immediate. We know that our customers and other stakeholders – including governments – are increasingly concerned about carbon impacts, not just from an industry perspective but as a critical factor in shaping our overall global future prospects. The Net Zero Carbon Events initiative provides an opportunity to demonstrate a positive action plan for addressing this global concern while at the same time acting in solidarity with some of our most important client communities in an area of long term, mutual interest.

Why should my organisation participate?
Climate change is an existential threat to our society and, therefore, to the events industry. Action on climate is related to the continuity of our industry, of our business.

As a complex network of many organisations around the world, it is important that the whole events industry is represented in the drafting of the commitment and development of the initiative. We recognise that there are many different perspectives and priorities and that some organisations are already advanced in their carbon management practices while others are just embarking on the journey. This initiative will endeavour to reflect this diversity.

Through participation your organisation will benefit from the collaborative process which will underpin the work, expanding your own knowledge on climate action, providing connections for your teams with experts around the world, and ensure your communications and reporting is integrated with wider industry messaging, so that your progress can directly feed into that of the whole events industry.

Don’t miss this opportunity to position your organisation as a leader in the global move towards net zero.

The Initiative

Sustainable development has long been a focus for the events industry…

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What is Net Zero?

Net Zero refers to a balance between man-made greenhouse gas…

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Join Us

The initial objective for this initiative is to align industry support…

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Join Us Now

Work with us to develop the event industry’s Net Zero Roadmap.
Click HERE to become a supporter and sign the Pledge!